Search results for: ’arrest‘
Jesus and Pilate
Jesus' Arrest
House Arrest
House Arrest
Jesus' Arrest
Judas kiss Jesus before arrest in Garden of Gethsemane betrayal
The Arrest
Under Arrest
Paul's Arrest
Paul's Arrest
The Arrest
Paul under House Arrest
Paul's Arrest
Joseph Remains Faithful to God
Arrest and Trial of Jesus
Jesus Betrayed
Paul Writing
Christ in Gethsemane
Soldiers Arrive to Arrest Jesus
Reformers Arrested at Night
Stephen Is Arrested
Paul Is Arrested
Peter and John Take by the Sanhedrin
Paul Writes to the Churches under Roman Confinement
Peter Denies Jesus
Jesus on Trial
Captured by Soldiers
Saul on the Road to Damascus
Paul a Prisoner
Paul at Jerusalem
Paul in Jerusalem
Peter and John Before the Council
Garden of Gethsemane Olive Tree
Peter Showed Courage
Paul Arrested at Jerusalem
Paul in Rome
Paul, a Prisoner
The Mob
Wicked Husbandmen
Garden of Gethsemane Olive Trees
Paul the Apostle Greets Fellow Believers
Paul in Rome
Jesus Before Caiaphas
Jesus Before Caiaphas
John on the Island of Patmos
Malchus' Ear Being Healed
Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
Jesus Betrayed
The Apostles
Esther, King Ahasuerus, and Haman
Praying Hands
Arrested in the Temple
Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested
Peter and John are Arrested
Daniel Arrested
Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested
Peter and John Preached