Pictures of: ’asleep‘
The Sleeping Disciples
Jesus Asleep in Boat
Asleep in the Garden
Asleep in Christ
Jesus Calms the Storm
David Spares Saul
Disciples in a Time of Need
Jesus Asleep in the Boat
Peter's Vision From God
Peace, Peace
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream - Statute
The Babe in the Manger
Asleep With the Bible
Saul Asleep
Solomon's Wish and Solomon's Dream
Eutychus Falls
Child in Bed Asleep
Child in Bed Asleep
Rhoda Falling Asleep
Eutychus Alseep As Paul Preaches
Protected While Asleep
Elijah Exhausted
Peter's Miraculous Prison Release
Asleep With the Sheep
David Spared Saul's Life
Jesus in the Garden
Sofie's Question
Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus
Jacob's Ladder
Jesus Sleeps in the Boat
The Fall From the Window by Eutychus, a Small Boy
Elijah Runs Away From Ahab and Jezebel
The Gift of Jesus Was Announced
The Surprise
A Special Job for David
Christ's Resurrection, Angel and Soldiers
Baby Jesus
Amongst the Lions
The Breath of Life
Pleading in the Garden
Baby Moses Found by Princess
Joseph's Dreams - Sheaves Bowing
Eutychus Falls From a Window
Jesus Prays in the Garden
Man Sleeping Current Events
Here I Am Lord
Sleeping under the Stars
Jesus, Wake Up!
Jesus Controls a Storm
Woman Awake in Bed
Jesus Sleeping
Jesus at Gethsemane
Eutychus Falls
God Helped Jacob
David Spares Saul
Baby and Adult Hand
Sun Through Branches