Search results for: ’baptise‘
Baptism on Water
Baptism in Water
John Baptises Jesus
Man Being Baptized
The Holy Spirit Descends on Jesus
Baptism at Maimafu
Baptism at Salamo Camp Meeting
Baptism of the Ethiopian
Naaman Rejoices
The Angel Gabriel Tells John When Jesus Would Be Baptized An
This Is My Beloved Son
John Baptizes Christ in the River Jordan
John Baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan
The Baptism of Jesus
The Baptism
The Holy Spirit Descends on Jesus
Christ's Baptism
Philip Witnesses to the Eunuch
Young Woman in White Robe After Baptism
Baptized Into the Family of God
John Baptises Jesus in the River Jordan
Jesus and Baptism
Praising After Being Baptised
Jesus and John the Baptist
Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
This Is My Beloved Son
Baptism of Jesus
Baptism at Keiya Camp Meeting 1998
The Preacher
The Beloved Son
The Ethiopian Is Baptized
Paul Meets Lydia by the River
African Man Lifts Hands Up After Baptism
The Spirit Descends Upon Jesus
Celebrated Hug After Baptism
Man Rejoices Out of Water After Being Baptized
Rising Out of Water After Baptism