Search results for: ’commission‘
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Commission
The Commission
The Great Commission
Jesus Gives the Great Commission
Jesus Gives a Command
The Great Commission
Youth Commission
Great Commission
Our Multicultural World
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
Jesus' Ascension
The Remnant
Jesus Gives the Great Commission
Christ and the Great Commission
Jesus Told His Disciples to Tell Others About Him
Thinking Globally
The World the Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Great Commission
The Prophecy
Isaiah's Commission. a Live Coal on His Lips
Final Command
Story of Ezekiel
The Anointing of the Deacons
Time Is Short
Setting Aside Deacons
Prophet Ezekiel
The Workers of the First Church in Prayer
The Ascension
Laborers for the Harvest
Go and Make Disciples
Doing Our Job
The Deacons Are Anointed
Final Instructions
Church Members at Bena Bena, Papua New Guinea
Paul Told Others
Go Forth and Preach
Promise of Power
Tell Others About Jesus
The Gospel
Jesus Sending Out Disciples
Go Ye Into All the World
Prayers for Barnabas and Paul
The Invitation
Go and Teach all Nations
Jesus Goes Back to Heaven
Go Ye
To All the World
Peter Restored
Go Ye, Therefore
Ascending Into Heaven