Search results for: ’dorcas‘
Dorcas Lives
Peter Raises Dorcas
Dorcas Raised
Dorcas Sews
Dorcas With the Children
Dorcas Helps
Peter Raises Dorcas
Dorcas at Work
Dorcas sews makes gives ministers clothes to grateful mothers children
Dorcas Sewed for People
Dorcas Helped Her Friends
Peter Prays for Dorcas
Dorcas Helps the Needy
Dorcas Helped
Dorcas Makes a New Robe for a Child.
Dorcas Helps
Dorcas the Helper
Tabitha Called Dorcas
Aeneas And Dorcas
Dorcas and the Robe
Dorcas Helps her Neighbors
Dorcas Helps Her Neighbors
Dorcas Raised to Life
Dorcas Helps Poor Widow
Dorcas Raised from Death
How Dorcas Helped the Poor
Dorcas Hands Clothes to Child
Dorcas Giving Little Child Garment
Dorcas Giving Clothes to the Poor Children
Dorcas Was the Life of the Joppa Church
The Loss of Tabitha
Humility and Strength
God Listens to Peter
Tabitha, the Seamstress
Tabitha, Raised to Life.
Tabitha Helps Others
Tabitha, the Seamstress
The New Coat
Peter and Tabitha at Joppa
Tabitha's Gift
Tabitha's Gift
Tabitha, the Seamstress
Healing of Child Rejoiced