Pictures of: ’embrace‘
Jacob With Esau Again
The Reunion
Prodigal: the Return
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Jacob and Esau
Welcome Home, My Son
Jacob and Joseph Are Reunited
Jacob and Esau Reunite
Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
Rachel, a Love Story
The Embrace
The Penitent Man
Woman held by cross
Painting of Embrace between woman and Jesus
The Answer
Daddy's Hug
David and Jonathan
The Reunion
Baby Jesus and Mary
Jacob and Esau's Reunion
Reconciliation and forgiveness
Joseph, a Loving Brother
The Return of the Son
Jesus Loves Children
Paul Resurrects Eutychus
A Father's Love
Woman and Child Embrace
Jesus Weeps With Mary and Martha
Thank You for Loving Me
Alone Time With Daddy
Jacob and Esau Meet
Isaac Was Kind
Father and Child Embrace
Hug of Thankfulness
The Boy Restored
Woman With Bible
A Mother's Touch
Hugs for Grandma
For the Love of the Savior
Of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven
You are Forgiven
Samuel and Eli
The Son's Return
The Reunion
The Father Hugs His Wayward Son
Kingdom for Children
Mary's Prayer
Is It I?
Safe in His Arms
Joseph's Reunion With His Brothers
Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brothers
Jacob and Joseph - the Reunion
Elijah Raises the Widow's Son