Pictures of: ’five‘
Five Wise Five Foolish Virgins
The Boy's Lunch - Twelve Baskets of Leftovers
The Five WIse Virgins
The Five Foolish Virgins
The Boy's Lunch - the News
Plenty of Leftovers
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
The Boy's Lunch - Feeding the Multitude
Feeding the Multitude
Jesus looks up to heaven bless the bread disciples watch feeds five thousand with loaves fishes
The Boy's Lunch
The Boy's Lunch - Feeding the Multitude
Jesus Feeds 5000
A Boy Shares His Food
Spirit Led Community
The Boy and His Lunch
Feeding the Five Thousand
Feeding Five Thousand
Feeding Five Thousand
Feeding the Five Thousand
Feeding the Five Thousand
Bread of Life, Jesus Blesses Loaves and Fish
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Feeding the Five Thousand
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Feeding the Multitude
The Donation
Five Loaves and Two Fishes
Jesus Fed the People
Jesus Feeds the People
Man With Bible Reformers
Blessing the Meal
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
Martin Luther Nailing the Ninety-Five Theses
Amongst So Many?
A Young Man's Lunch
The Widow's Offering
Five Thousand Fed
People Sang Songs to God
Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet
Loaves and Fish
Food for the People
Boy Gives Jesus His Loaves and Fishes
Everyone Got Enough
Eating With Jesus
Jesus Feeds 5000
The Beginning of a Miracle
Sparrow in His Hand
Bastets of Leftovers
Disciples Distribute Food to People
Feeding of the 5,000
Food for Hungry People
Blessing the Meal
A Boy's Lunch
Jesus Blesses the Loaves and Fish
Jesus Teaches the People
Jesus Fed the People
Food for the People
David the Helper