Search results for: ’in‘
Rent in Two
Christ Prays in Gethsemane
Jesus in Gethsemane
In the Garden
Daniel Praying in Lion's Den
Early Christians Worshiping in Catacombs
Offering in Church
Walk in the Light
Christ in Gethsemane
Teaching in Sunday School
Presentation in the Temple
Jesus in the Storm
Jesus Teaching in Synagogue
Daniel in the Lions Den
No Room in the Inn
Jesus in the Synagogue at Nazareth
Jesus in the Wilderness Tempted of Satan
Esther behind Curtain in the King's Throne Room
High Priest - Incense
Christ Praying
Your Father Calls You
The Sanctuary
Night Prayer
Peter's Mother-in-Law
High Priest and Ark
The Lion and the Lamb
Roman Soldier at the Cross
Empire Statue of Daniel 2
Meteor Shower of 1833 in Virginia
Jacob and Esau: Esau Trades His Birthright With Jacon
Mary and Christ As a Baby
Ellen White in Vision
Prophet Praying
Young Woman in the Park
A Friend in Court
Boy Jesus Visits the Temple and Talks to Older Men
Crown Reflection
God Protected Daniel
Jesus in Desert
Entering Heaven
Jesus Rebukes the Fever
Mother and Child With Umbrellas
In the Beginning Bible Verse
Jesus Healing in the Temple
Christ in the Kitchen Version 2
Jesus Teaching in the Synagogue
Alone With God- Jesus in Prayer
The Creator
Jesus Healing in the Temple
Christ in the Kitchen Version1
Naaman Washes in Jordan
The Boy Samuel in the Tabernacle
Children Enjoying the New Earth
The Boy Samuel in the Temple
Paul in Prison
Children With Jesus in the Temple
Naaman's Servant - a Prophet in Israel