Pictures of: ’kneel‘
The Centurian Worships
Jesus Visited Mary and Martha
David Confesses to God
Nebuchadnezzar's Praise
Jacob Is not Alone
Three Who Would not Kneel
Daniel at Prayer
I Am Only a Man
Praising God for Creation
Christ the Consoler
The Prayer
The Anointing of David
At the Cross
Noah and family kneel after flood offer sacrifice looking up to heaven
Joseph - the Brothers Bow
Samuel's Bedtime Prayer
Lazarus Is Sick
Before the Throne
The Penitent Man
The Prisoner
In Need
Esther's Prayer
Fire From Heaven at Elijah's Request to God
Cornelius' Prayer
Ahab Repents
Christ Prays in Gethsemane
Samuel Tells His Disappointments to God
Elijah Prayed
Jesus Forgives Woman
Man Offering Up a Glowing Crown
The New World - a Prayer of Blessing and Thanksgiving
Gideon Sorts His Army
The Nativity
Ashes and Sack Cloth Petition
Woman Kneeling
Brave Esther
Wise Men Give Gifts
Ellen's Prayer
Shepherds at Worship
Baby Moses - a Prayer of Thanksgiving
In Heaven Before Christ
Heaven Worship
Bedside Prayer
King David's Humility
Baby Moses, Hiding From the Soldiers
Paul Resurrects Eutychus
The Centurion
Lazarus Raised From the Dead
Prayer of the Prophet
David Anointed
Man Praying at Sunset
Wise Men Bring Gifts
Daniel Prays by Open Window
Man Praying at Sunset
Gideon Testing His Soldiers
Angel of Light
Woman prays for someone who hurt her
We Are not Gods
Portrait of Christ