Search results for: ’official‘
Roman official washing his hands. Royal Official Pleads for Jesus' Help Philip and the Ethiopian Official Church Opening in Paingoba The Grumblers and Their Evil Plans Little Josiah Is Made King of Israel The Ethiopian and the Good News Daniel Loved God Joseph - the Brothers Return Home The Ethiopian Converted Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian wjpas0139 Conversion of the Ethiopian Drum Major Joseph - Overseer Joseph - Sacks of Grain Philip and the Ethiopian Philip and the Ethiopian The Runaway Slave Returns Cutting the Ribbon for the Church Opening Nobleman's Son Daniel and Company Examined Nobleman's Son Healed Ethiopian Learns God's Word Joseph - the Brothers Bow Philip and Ethiopian Daniel Obeys God's Rules Daniel Chooses God's Way The Regime The Ethiopian Is Baptized Daniel and His Friends - a Special Request wjpas0151 Racing to the Reunion - Joseph and Jacob wjpas0157 wjpas0541 The Sanctuary Daniel's Prayer to God at His Window Courage to Worship Daniel - the Plot to Destroy God Protected Daniel Keremui Baptism Mistreated by Brothers Jeremiah Tried and Acquitted The Proclamation Gleaning of the Elite Daniel - the Plot to Destroy God Helped Pharaoh Baby Jesus Dedicated Joseph Before Pharaoh