Pictures of: ’prays‘
Abraham Prays for Sodom
Esther Prays on Rooftop
Christ Prays in Gethsemane
Jesus Prays
Daniel Prays Despite New Law
Hannah Prays
Paul Prays for the Philippian Church
Hannah Prays for a Child
Joseph Prays for Strength and Courage
Christ in Gethsemane
Jesus in Gethsemane
The King's Contrition
Peter Prays for Dorcas
Daniel at Prayer
David Talks With God
Nehemiah's Reliance on God
Asleep in the Garden
Fire From Heaven
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Woman prays for someone who hurt her
Jehoshaphat's Prayer
Abram Prays to God
Jesus Prays
Jesus Petitions Father
Samuel Prays for God's Help
Daniel and His Friends - Prayer
Daniel's Prayer
Prayer in the Garden
Manoah Prays for Samson
Saints in Prayer
Daniel Praying
God Answers Elijah's Prayer
Jesus Prays
Divine Prayer
Daniel Prays by Open Window
Temple Prayer
Perfect Peace
Christ Prays to His Father
Jesus Prays for Us
Jesus Prays
Jesus Prays
Hannah Prays for a Son
The Jerusalem Church Prays
Praying With Grandma
The Martyr
Spirit Led Prayer
Hannah Praying for a Child
Moses Prays
David's Prayer of Repentance
Praying at Sunset
Hannah Prayed at Church
Woman Prays in Rain
When David Was Old
Praying in the Storm
Daniel - a Man of Prayer
Jesus in Prayer
Woman Praying Alone
Daniel Praying
Daniel Prays