Search results for: ’present‘
Present Church The Gift Present Day Church Father and child with glowing present A girl giving a present to another at Christmas time. Jesus Opens Present When Unwrapping Is More Fun... Jesus is ever Present with Those who Worship Him The Gift Transfiguration With Disciples Present Three Gifts for the Christ Child A Christmas Gift Christ in Home A Man Presented a Large Gift From Heaven The Gift Magi Crowns and Gifts Modern Calling Christmas Sleigh With Presents and Bird Two Christmas Teddy Bears God Giving Package From Heaven Paul in Prison The Prophet's Room at Shunem Where Two or More Are Gathered Praying to Jesus The Transfiguration Men Walk in Moscow His Name Is John A Lasagna Kind of Christmas The Sacrifice Kisses and Gifts Where Two or More Are Gathered Spirit of Preaching Friday Evening Vespers at Kaisiga, Trobriand Islands A child reaching for presents in the mailbox. Josiah and the BIble Scroll Icy shores of alpine lake. Icy shores of alpine lake. Christmas Time, Pressed for Time Santa Claus in the snow with his bag of gifts. Elkanah and Hannah Visit Samuel Jesus Appears to Thomas Dorcas With the Children Wise Men Give Gifts sawps0130 Small Person Casts Large Shadow Gold Necklace in Hands The magi, or wise men, presenting their gifts to baby Jesus. sawps0140 Gift of the Holy Spirit I Am With You, Always! Baby Jesus Dedicated Lazarus Raised From the Dead wjpas0249 Prophecy Child in Coat With Money sawps0133 Adoration of the Christ Child sawps0132 sawps0135 Prophetic Truths