Search results for: ’samaria‘
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- samaritan
Philip and the Ethiopian
The Woman of Samaria Shares Her News
Famine at Samaria
Philip Preaches in Samaria
Woman of Samaria
Woman of Samaria
The Woman of Samaria
Peter in Samaria
Philip Preaching at Samaria
The Fall of Samaria
Peter Rebukes Simon at Samaria
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Philip on Way to Samaria
Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Jesus talks to Samaritan woman at well in Samaria
At the Well
Disciples Dispersed
Samaritan Woman Holding Jug of Water
Come, See Jesus!
Good Samaritan Brings the Man to An Inn
The Disciples Scattered
Tabitha, the Seamstress
Peter in Prison
Samaritan Woman
Paul Led Into Damascus
Peter Teaching
Cornelius Praying
Peter's Vision
Peter and Cornelius
The Ethiopian Converted
Conversion of Saul
Paul and Ananias
Tabitha Helps Others
Tabitha Called Dorcas
Paul and Barnabas
Peter and Cornelius
Peter and Cornelius
Tabitha, the Seamstress
Paul in Damascus
Aeneas And Dorcas
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip and the Ethiopian
Peter Delivered from Prison
Peter Delivered from Prison
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip and the Ethiopian
Paus Escapes From Damascus
Peter Greeted By Cornelius
Philip and the Ethiopian
Peter Delivered from Prison
Philip and the Ethiopian
Peter and Tabitha at Joppa
Saul's Conversion
Paul's Escape