Search results for: ’sleeping‘
Jesus Holding Baby
Christ Prays in Gethsemane
Wolf Sleeping
Bear Sleeping
Two Boys Rollup Sleeping Bags
Galilean Storm
The Sleeping Disciples
Sleeping During a Storm
Woman Sleeping
Jesus Sleeping
Jesus Asleep in the Boat
David and the Sleeping King
David and the Sleeping King
Solomon's Wish and Solomon's Dream
Father and Mother Pray over Sleeping Son
The Warning
Boys Sleepover
Mother and Child Sleeping
Angel Protection
Sleeping One
Jacob's Ladder
A Father Looks Up As He Prays over Sleeping Son
The Sleeping Virgins
Children With Lion
Samuel Goes to Eli
Woman Having a Hard Time Sleeping
Sleeping under the Stars
David Spares Saul
Sleeping on the Job
A Young Prophet Samuel With Prophet Eli
Baby Jesus in the Manger
Man Sleeping Current Events
Jesus Wakes the Sleeping Disciples
Disciples in a Time of Need
Figures Sleeping in the Dark
WYOMING. Yellowstone National Park. Panorama of sleeping, sn
A Quick Nap
Jesus and Disciples at Sea in a Storm
Floating woman sleeping above bed
Disciples Sleeping in Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus Sleeps in the Boat
Unseen Hands
Keeping Watch
Abraham Ad Isaac
God Speaks to Samuel
man in bed sleeping bad dreams guilty conscience bothering him no peace to wicked
Woman Having a Nightmare
Star over Bethlehem
Jesus and the Storm
Angel Awakens Joseph
Old Man Naps
Resting in the Bible