Search results for: ’the‘
The Shadow
Let the Children Come Unto Me
Mary and John at the Cross
Mary Looks Into the Tomb
High Priest and Ark
The Rabble at the Cross
Shadow of Cross
The Sacrifice
The Resurrection
The Nail
The Nail
The Sanctuary
The Crucifixion
Jesus on the Cross
Walk in the Light
The Kingdom Stone
The Last Supper
Jesus Nailed to Cross
In the Garden
Jesus Calms the Storm
Jesus on the Cross
Jesus' Feet Nailed to the Cross.
The Lion and the Lamb
Roman Soldier at the Cross
The Annunciation
The Crucifixion
The Crucifixion
Josiah Reading the Book of the Law
The Minister Preaches
Joseph, the Ruler
The Fiery Furnace
The Lost Sheep
Joseph and the Prisoners
Philip and the Ethiopian
Noah and the Ark
Crossing the Red Sea
Listening to the Preacher
Noah and the Ark
Breakfast on the Shore
Adoration of the Shepherds
The Reason for Christmas
Presentation in the Temple
Jesus Blessing the Children
Jesus Blessing the Children
Christ Carrying the Cross
Jesus in the Storm
Jonah Leaves the Big Fish
Christ on the Cross
Daniel in the Lions Den
Elisha and the Invisible Army
Sacred Items for the Temple
Jesus Preaching From the Boat
No Room in the Inn
The Leper Who Said, 'Thank You'
Moses and Giving of the Law
The Risen Christ and His Disciples
Jehoiakim Burns the Word of God
Jesus in the Synagogue at Nazareth
Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah
Jesus in the Wilderness Tempted of Satan