S. M. Davis Images
King Herod smitten killed eaten by worms by Angel with sword Adam and Eve leaving garden of Eden Aaron & Hur lift hands of moses rod of God battle Aaron great high priest with censer smoke incense breastplate lampstand Abraham offers Isaac as sacrifice Ram in bush knife falling light from heaven Abraham prophet walking knife turban Absalom death head hair caught in oak tree Baby Moses found by princess in Egypt Nile River Miriam Baby Jesus in manger with Joseph and Mary Robber Barabbas chosen to be freed in place of Jesus Moses lifts up brasen brazen serpent in wilderness people look and are healed Cain kills brother Abel then runs flees Cain jealous and angry because God accepts blood sacrifice on altar Moses lifts rod of God parts Red Sea for Children of Israel Crucifixion of Jesus three crosses darkness calvary Golgotha Daniel in lion's den king calling looking through window David King of Israel crown parchment harp lyre music David faces giant Goliath sling armor challenge victory Disciples at Jesus empty tomb resurrection Easter grave clothes linen cloth Dorcas sews makes gives ministers clothes to grateful mothers children Elisha bald children young men scorn bears kill staff hand raised mockery Elisha and widow of Zarphath gathers vessels pots for oil Elisha prophet with servant Gehazi Flood begins people afraid drown Noah ark judgment of God rain storm Good Samaritan parable compassion camel King Hezekiah exhibits treasures to Babylon princes Priests serving in the holy place in the tabernacle Prophet Isaiah standing planning thinking scroll jacob_and_esau_reunited_reconciled_bows_Humble two men Jesus heals blind man Bartimaeus with a touch Jesus says come to me with arms outstretched smiling Boy young man Jesus in temple at age twelve with doctors of law Birth of Jesus announced to Shepherds by Angels Jesus cleanses temple whip money changers tables dishonest Jesus riding on a colt on Palm Sunday into Jerusalem Jesus heals man with palsy passed down through open roof Jesus heals many sick diseased people miracles Jesus looks up to heaven bless the bread disciples watch feeds five thousand with loaves fishes Jesus raise boy widow of nain son from dead crowd miracle resurrection outside wall of Jerusalem Jesus talks to Samaritan woman at well in Samaria Jesus as boy young man walking with Mary and Joseph to Jerusalem age twelve 12 Jesus with hand lifted waving goodbye staff in hand Prophet Jesus widows mite temple Jerusalem Pharisees watch disciples listen learn Prophet preaching john the baptist crowd listen Job wealthy man dinner meal table with family food porch children flocks herds in background John apostle pen writer writing scroll visions smiling happy Revelation John the Baptist prophet hand lifted young man with cross staff intense Joseph reveals himself and is reunited with brothers in palace in Egypt Joseph ruler king lady queen turban robe ruby Joseph's brothers bow before him in Egypt Joshua Centurion soldier man look up to heaven pray sword spear helmet shield Judas kiss Jesus before arrest in Garden of Gethsemane betrayal King Cyrus crown sceptre soldier authority Life's Short Day father time passing vapor blow bubbles child youth old man death Life's Sunset old couple walk off death coming Looking Backward remember book child youth regret sad angel thoughtful past wasted years couple Looking Toward Home heaven Men study blueprints plan to build tower of Babel Moses hand lifted snake serpent crawling on ground Moses dropping rod out of hand